In a word its been Wet here for the past two days . And it may seem
strange but Lori and I have been looking forward to wet. The first days we
were here the weather was perfect for gong out and finding vistas and subjects
to photograph . Now its perfect for organizing , working on , and saving those
photos .
I tried to go out yesterday and take some interior shots of the lighthouse
, but it was too dark for what i had in mind . Latter Lori and I went to Newport
to get her Medicine. That was a failure of mine in the grace department ...I
have a difficult time with the Bureaucracy of all things Pharmacy . Let it
suffice to say I was somewhat irritated after three trips to Newport ( 15
miles ) over wet and foggy roads to get Loris needed and non mind altering
Insulin ..then to hear on the TV how people in the state have been obtaining
hundreds of oxy Pills at a single time with relative ease .
Ok I am over that now .
Lori and I are now starting to verbally communicate our sadness of leaving
Oregon . While we both are definitely looking forward to returning home to
Family and Friends , we are almost equally saddened by the thought of our
departure .
We leave the Coast in eight days . for many that would be a compete
vacation and we have been here for 21 days .We have been blessed in so many
ways ...but there is something about our nature that we want more ...For many
the idea of a vacation is to experience something out of the ordinary ,
something different , but it seems to Lori and I that we have turned that upside
down . We are here because it is familiar. I grew up here. Lived here for over
50 years .But I realize how little I appreciated it while I was here . How many
days I squandered , days I would love to have now .
This seems to be the Theme , the message , the teaching I am here for . To
enjoy this moment , this time this second ...to hold each carefully crafted
moment that is God given and praise Him for it . Too often I live one day ahead
of myself . Unable to enjoy the moment I am in because I am looking forward to
the moment that I anticipate int he future ...I Look forward to going to Church
, only to find myself thinking about Tuesday Morning , On Tuesday Morning I am
thinking of Golf on Wednesday , and on Wednesday at the 3rd Tee I am thinking of
the Play of Friday .
God in His mercy and Grace delivers us the Tuesdays and the Wednesdays and
the Fridays , till one day we have only that last fraction of a second ...when
its over . As the playwright muses " do any of us really enjoy life as we
live it " ? Am I truly hearing the sound of the surf a scant few feet from
this table ? am I really enjoying the left over Chinese from yesterday . Am I
enjoying the movements and vibrations of my wife waking up ? is the coffee
refreshing ? does the heat from the fireplace warm my legs ? what doe sit feel
like to be full and warm and blessed ? Or am I traveling now ...headed
somewhere else looking for a photo ...its Wednesday February 22 , 8:16
Pacific Time ...but am I here, or am I already living ON Thursday ...Feb 23 at
10:00 am ? This Moment I am Graced with , it is the moment I am in ....I
presume on His future grace to even consider tomorrow or October , or
May I Learn to grow in His Grace , to be thankful for All things ..to be
thankful for the moment of now ..and the promise of tomorrow . And may I be
content and thankful to enjoy the next eight days here ..in a place where some
will never have the opportunity to see ...
Morning musings , morning prayers ....Old habits are hard to break ...
May I learn to be content in this moment ....
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