Everyday seems a little longerEvery way love's a little stronger
Buddy Holly
Today is moving day . We leave Lee and Corrines , pick up our rental car ,
pack it with our luggage ..Lori has a shopping list and we will stop off at
Winco and pick up food stuffs and personal stuffs , then we will drive over the
Oregon Coastal mountains , into the Seaside town of Lincoln City then turn South
for Depoe Bay.
While staying in St Pauls , we have taken a few trips , but without a car
we have been dependent on the grace and time of our Hosts. This has been
difficult ...I am used to having control over my actions ..this is easily the
longest period I can remember since I Graduated from High School that I have
not had the ability to go where I wanted to go.
I am used to being mobile ..and by mobile I mean being able to travel
further and faster than my legs can carry me .
In our lifetimes we spend much of our lives in motion , we travel a lot .
And most of us resent it when we are forced or complelled or limited in our
ability to travel. Somewhere along the way we as human beings feel we are
entitled to our freedom of motion and even more importantly to us that with out
our efforts we would get no where at all .
I Know I am far more comfortable doing something for the Lord even if its
wrong , than waiting on His commands to me .
This kind of me centered thinking ..the Idea that I would get no where
unless I am the one initiating the movement eventually deadens our understanding
of the complexity and the glory of Gods creation ...For with out our cars and
our motorcycles and our boats , or any sort of self imposed and directed
mobility we are traveling ...and traveling faster than we can ever imagine
We are on a planet that is rotating ( spinning ) ...the speed of that
rotation is 1041.7 MPH. This planet is also rotating around the Star itself
..at the speed of 69,360.73 MPH
Not to be outdone the Sun dragging the earth with it is spinning in its
cluster of stars and planets at the speed of 483,000 .
And the Galaxies our Sun is part of is itself moving through space at the
astounding speed of 1.3 million miles per hour . As our Pastor remarked once
" No wonder we are so tired " . Although the reasons for this motion are not
fully understood, astronomers believe that there is a huge concentration of
matter in this direction. Some people call it The Great
The "Great attractor "
Today Lori and I are " choosing " to drive to the
Oregon Coast , but the intersting and complex question hangs like the bank of
clouds over the Mountains to the West. Why have we choosen to do so . Are our
choices independent of the forces compelling the earth , the Sun the Galaxie ,
and the cosmos ..or are they somehow all in conformity ...pulling us faster than
we can even imagine toward the " Great Attractor ".
Isaiah 64:8
Yet you, LORD, are
our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of
your hand.
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