Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Exploding whales and other stories

1st Samuel 16:17

Man looks at the Outward appearance but God looks at the Heart.

This verse has been one Lori and I have based our Photography Ministry on , most often it reminds us to look at people the way God looks at people . but I also believe it has another meaning as well. God sees thing sin whole , often man only sees things in part ...and the part we see is frequently very limited .

As a species we keep insisting that we can do one thing , without fully understanding how tht one thing affects all those other things . As a result we end up with Hydro electric Dams that create energy but destroy vital fish runs , we harvest Huge tracts of Lumber but leave the way prepared for devestating landslides.

Recently I was on the Oregon Coast and I was saddened to see several houses perched on cliff tops that were being consumed by the Ocean . At one time these homes must have seemed very safe and secure ..High above the ocean waves , but all all one would have to so would be take a walk along the beach below the homes to notice the signs of past erosion of the same cliff face .

This is not a new lesson.

Bayocean was a thriving community located in Tillamook County. It was a planned community that its founders T. I Potter and His father Thomas Sr built in the early 1900's . Bayocean was built on a spit of land with the Pacific Ocean to the West and Tillamook Bay to the East . It was only accessible by Steamship and it fast became a luxury residence for the Wealthy of the Pacific Northwest . At a time when Many towns in Oregon lacked Plumbing and electricity , Bay Ocean had both . It even had a road and a garage . The roads dead ended both North and South , so Cars had to be ferried there as well. The resort was founded in 1906 and by 1914 the population was over 2000. The town boasted a dance hall , a movie theater that could hold 1000 people , a covered Swimming pool ( the largest on the west coast ) with even a place for a band to play music as people swam. Also included were a bowling ally , a shooting range , rail systym , four miles of paved streets , tennis courts , a cannery and a Tin Shop. The one thing the Community lacked was a comfortable way for the Steam ship to make it across the Bar that led into the safe harbour . The trip over the bar was very uncomfortable making for more than one queasy stomach . The residents of the community petitioned the Army Corp of Engineers to build a Jetty into the Bay outlet to make the crossing more bearable . The Army Corp Studied the problem and suggested that what was needed were two Jetties one to the North the other to the South . The cost would be just over $2 Million dollars with the residents paying for half of the bill . The residents chose to adapt to a less costly alternative and instead a single Jetty was . Jetty was built at about half the cost . The result was a much smoother ride into the bay. And ....a dramatic change in the erosion of the Sandy Beach protecting the community . Storms immediately began to eat away at the Coast line . In 1932 a winter storm pushed waves into the community and destroyed the Swimming pool . Then over a period of about ten years the took over the entire town . by 1952 the town was an island and in 1970 the last remaining building was washed into the sea . Now all that remains is a sign pointing to the watery grave.

Hopefully we learn from these mistakes . but a drive down the Oregon Coast will see new communities being built on land that is in similar peril.

In 1970 another incident happened that has a similar foundation . It is if you will a whale of a story: On November 12 1970 a 45 foot long Sperm whale beached itself just South of Florence Oregon. It was unable to return to the sea and died on the Beach . The problem what to do with Eight tons of rotting whale meat ? At that time the Oregon beaches were technically part of the Oregon Highway Department . The task of disposing the whale fell up on the Highway engineers. The carcass could not be towed to sea , it was decided that it was too large to be buried . So a plan was put into effect to blow up the whale with dynamite. Apparently the use of a small nuclear weapon was frowned on. The next problem was how much explosive to use ? There were then as now not too many resources available to determine the amount needed to do the Job so a decision was made to err on the side of more is better than less. And even though there was in fact a dynamite expert on site who had been there on a business trip who suggested that the plan might be using a tad bit to much 1000 pounds of Dynamite was shoved into the whales gullet.
word of this soon made the rounds . Residents on the Oregon Coast arrived hours ahead of the demolition complete with picnic baskets , and chairs to watch the show . A news team from Portland's Channel 2 arrived to film the event as well .

In an on camera interview with Katu's Paul Linnman ( Paul and I went to High School together BTW ) Highway engineer George Thornton, said He wasn't sure how much explosives to use but He thought 20 cases should be enough. The Military expert who was at the scene had advised that 20 sticks would be enough , but His advice went unheeded. The expert , Walter Umenhofer did decide to stay and join the growing crowd of onlookers .

The camera rolled as the countdown began . and the Explosion went off without a hitch. It was the after explosion part that created considerable amount of drama. After all what goes up must come down. and down it came ..the Video shows much of the carnage until the point where the camera dropped the camera and ran for His own life . Whale Blubber rained down on the crowd as effortlessly as the Spring rains for the fourth of July parade . only this wasn't a light downpour it was chunks of meat falling from the sky . BIG chunks . Windshields were smashed , many of the crowd were covered in whale blubber ooze , and in a odd coincidence the Newly bought Car of Explosives expert Walter Umenhofer was flattened by a 500 lb chunk of whale . His car which was parked over 300 yards away , was recenly purchased at an Eugene Auto dealership . during ( no kidding ) a whale of a sale promotion . For years the story circulated around the planet , then it disappeared , many thought it was an urban legend . But a film clip surfaced in 1990 and was written about in a column by Dave Berry.

eventually the carcass was buried in the sand . Like Bayocean nothing remains of it today .

Sometimes we think we have the solution to our problems well in hand ..but often our expediency to solve today's problem only ends up with a bigger problem tomorrow .

Saturday, March 24, 2012


Been working on the photos from the Oregon Trip since we have returned . Today I spent most of the day glued to my chair . I am still culling photos from the digital stack. I begin i Ernest trying to delete the obvious deletes and get waylaid ...not to long ago I actually went through several days before i got waylaid . I am reluctant to delete the photos . I Know partially because each came with a moment , and that moment is one i want to hang unto . But clearly not all of these 30,000 plus or minus a few images are good images ..but then what is a good image ? How do I define good . If I am defining good as t how I feel about it , then I'M keeping almost all of them , if I define Good as to what the stock agencies think are good .. Five percent would be a stretch. Good for the verse of the day devotional we do , a years worth at least probably more ..it all seems so random to me .

I am it seems a photographer with out a clear focus , a writer without a clause . For years now I have been challenged to finish a book about my new life in Christ ...but I think it lacks direction , focus . I move forward only to be paralyzed by a lack of direction ...my direction is due South of random . Perhaps that is where it is supposed to be . I have been inspired by the storms of the month past . Wild crazy storms , that lashed the Oregon Coast with hurried winds that seemed to come in all directions at once . with waves that moved in opposition to each other ..I watched Giant swells smash against yielding cliffs and saw the wave rebound then slam into an oncoming wave. All random it seemed . Problem is I don't believe much in random ...the purpose here is beyond my understanding ..that doesn't make it random . It makes it beyond my understanding ...This evening we were guests at a blessing party for a friend at Church ...was a wonderful event dozens of friends wee present , each someone whose life had been touched by the person of honor . No order , no linear , or chronological order to these friendships or blessings ...Random but with purpose ....His life one of encouragement to others ..a few taking the time to thank him in person ...and yet hundreds , maybe more whose lives have been touched and blessed by his walk upon the planet . Blessings ricocheting randomly ...serving a purpose we cannot understand . Boundaries in pleasant places . Delightful inheritance ...Good night ...very good

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Access for all

The entire coastline of Oregon is open to the public , there is no such thing as a " private " beach in Oregon .

There are two major pieces of public policy that provide and protect the publics' public access rights; the famous Oregon Beach Bill of 1967 and the State Planning Goal 17 for Shorelands. First, the Beach Bill established a permanent public easement for access and recreation along the ocean shore seaward of the existing line of vegetation, regardless of ownership.
Earlier legislation had established the wet sand portion as state property and a recreational area. (Oregon Revised Statutes 390.605-755) The Beach Bill also set forth a policy, under what is now the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department (ORPD), to provide public access to the beach at routine intervals.
The second pillar of public access is the requirement in Statewide Planning Goal for Shorelands that cities and counties, in coordination with OPRD, have plans to provide public access. The goal also requires that local governments protect those access sites and replace them if they are lost for any reason.
What this means to beach users is that there is open access along the sandy beach area and at regulated sites leading to the ocean shore. It does not mean that the public has a right to access the beach from anywhere or that private property can't block access along the ocean shore. Still, as anyone who has traveled elsewhere knows Oregonians have it pretty good and shouldn't abuse the privilege. Use the designated access sites, don't trample on someone's private property, and be respectful of the public's resource.
Travelling down State Highway 101 there are frequent parks and pullouts for travellers ot gain access to the Beach. It has been said and I cannot dispute this that from any one State park on the Oregon Coast line you can see the Next state park to either the North or the South .
This is huge to me , anyone who can find their way to the Coast can play in the sand . Anyone can watch the waves , wade i the Ocean , look at the Tide pools , can take their photos in the sunset , can celebrate life on this 300 mile stretch of some of Gods most beautiful real estate .

Monday, March 12, 2012

Beauty from Ashes

One of our more interesting stops on the Oregon Coast was at a place called Art 101 and Washed Ashore . This Gallery caught our eye because of the very large and colorful American Eagle displayed on the side of the road as drove by , the scuplture was over 14 feet high , and when we pulled in to look at it we were surprised to see it mounted in well worn automobile tires. Turns out that the Entire sculture was made from trash collected on the Nearby Beaches .
More than 70 percent of the planet is covered by ocean, and for every square mile of ocean there are an estimated 46,000 bits of plastic. That’s a lot of flotsam and jetsam, and according to the Marine Mammal Center in Sausalito, California, it’s responsible for the injuries to 10 percent of the sea creatures the center treats. Seals, birds, sea turtles, dolphins and other ocean-going mammals eat plastic items floating by, such as disposable lighters or toothbrushes, or get tangled in abandoned nets or fishing line.
Oregon artist Angela Haseltine Pozzi makes colourful sea creatures out of beach trash to make a serious point about the growing problem of plastic in the ocean.
Her Art work is amazing from extremely large and complex statues to smaller take home kind of artifacts ...She employ's several people who wash , drill and cut the plastic that is collected fo ruse in art projects .
IN addition to this ...many schools in the area which is near Bandon Oregon . participate with Field trips where the children collect the trash off the beach . Angela then teaches the teachers and the students how to make art work of the trash .
The idea of an Artist using the discarded bits and pieces of our daily lives to create amazing works of art , and to encourage others to do as well ...seemed vaguely familiar to me .
Beauty from Ashes ...I wonder where i had heard that before . While I prowled around taking photos of the piles of maritime ropes and floats , household plastics and odds and ends ..Lori went inside the gift sho where she found out more information abut the gallery and secured permission for me to photograph. While speaking to the woman who was watching the gallery for the day , Lori was able to tell her abut our verse of the day Project , emphasizing that it was indeed an attempt to give people some Good News from the Good News of the Gospel . The lady is now on our Email list .
As I continued photographing the raw material and some of the finished projects as well ..I was deeply impressed ...how wonderful to see a piece of Trash as an Art object , to transform , something thrown away ..into something that was beautiful and inspiring .
We left ...and headed into Bandon ..a small town on the Oregon Coast , it was almost empty , it is more of a tourist town , and the tourists come in Summer . but the stores were opened and better yet so were the resturants ...we dinned on Fish and Chips , and I went one way to photograph the abandoned wooden piers that had caught my eye and Lori went into some of the Gift shops ...All the time I was thinking of the art Museum we had left ..earlier in the day.
It wasn't a large leap for me to begin to think about God and His redemption of fallen man ...to think on the changed lives and mended Hearts that His Love and grace has been responsible for ...Someone once asked me Ho I knew God existed ..my answer because of what I knew of the person was simply I Know He exists the same way I know you believe Dark Holes exist ...He gave me a puzzled look and I added as an Astronomer you know Dark Holes Exist not because you can see them ..but because of the affect they have on the stars around them ... I know God exists because of the affect he has on His Children ..the effect He has had on my life .
The Oceans are filled with the discarded and tossed away debris of a careless people ...more items litter the Beach that come from the land than from the sea ..but invariably most everything finds its way to the sea.
Here on the land the streets are filled with discarded and dismissed human beings , we find them in the workplace , in the taverns , in the rest homes . And while it would be inappropriate in a way to consider these peole as objects of art , they are an object of the heart .
This is God working through His people ..He takes us on field trips helps us to pick up the broken and tossed aside ... In Gods economy nothing goes to waste ....God is the master recycler .
I used to talk a lot about what I called the bucket theory of life ..basically it means that you can either take something from the bucket of another person , or you can add to the bucket of another person ...here i am talking about buckets of blessings ....
In this metephor I would say we are either trash collectors or Litterers ....this works for me both figurativly and Literally. We can choose to pick up after ourselves for sure and yes even pick up after others ..even if it seems unfair , after all its not our mess . And we can either leave behind us broken hearted people , or we cn hela up the broken hearted , we can either bring Good news ..or we can bring slander and gossip ...God Brings Beauty out of ashes . in the midst of our most stunning and horrifying failures He brings hope . Good does not just automatically happen at bad times. It requires human good will, human intentionality, and human effort. But Good rushes forth out of Gods Love and Grace through His people .
What is happening in our world with Litter and disregard for the Planet God has given us to be stewards of is shameful ....and even more so what is happening in our world with our objectifying people . ignoring people in need , instead of treating them as the individuals Jesus would have treated them as is sinful .
I have two points here ...perhaps poorly made ...one don't litter ..don't litter with your careless tossing away of garbage , and don't litter with your careless spirit ...Leave places and people better off than when you arrived . And Thank you LOrd for the powerful message of reconciliation , of your grace and redemption ...Thank you for binding up the broken hearted , for bringing the good news through us who you have called ot be your ministers of reconciliation and not condemnation ...

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

At the troubled waters edge

It was a cold day on the beach , winds from the North were bitter . The sun had come out to tease people into walking on the beach, myself included . I had wanted to do some shooting at the waters edge , it is here you can capture some really interesting reflections and sunsets at the same time . It can also be dangerous if you are not careful.

The Ocean is very cold , not easy to swim in if you are unfortunate enough to get caught in a wave . The waves are not as dependable as you may think. Generally speaking the surf line retreats after High tide as it goes to the low tide , then advances at the end of the low tide till the peak of the high tide .

Tide charts are readily available on the Oregon Coast , or you can goggle them . For any travel and adventure on the beach they are indispensable. ON this day the tide was going out ...but even as the tide goes out the wave action is unpredictable , often time huge waves rush in even as the tide is receding.

I was wearing knee high boots because I anticipated getting a little wet . As I was shooting I glanced to my left and saw three young girls playing in the waves . Their parents were photographing the water bashing into them. MY first reaction was concern , it doesn't take a very large wave to knock an adult down , and before you can get up another wave will usually take its place . Along the Coast I had ran into several markers , like the ones you find on the roads where a traffic accident has claimed a life . ON the Beach these markers tell a different story , a story of a life lost to the ocean waves .

So here I was standing in the water , photographing the sunset and the reflection of the waves , and at the same time judging the behaviour of the group down the beach . As I think about it now safe at home I realize I was as vulnerable as the girls dancing in the waves . More than likely somewhere nearby someone else was commenting on my reckless behaviour .

To be honest I don't know what this all means . How securly do we secure ourselves from danger ? At what point do we allow fear to override our Joy and passion ? I don't think this is an easy question to answer.

The Girls while a few feet distant from their family and friends were being watched . They were helping each other stand against the waves , and when they were knocked over they rushed to help each other . More than likely they will have memories of a lifetime from this visit .

Sky divers , Mountain climbers , rock climbers , surfers , wind riders ....

Certianly there are limits to our risk taking ..and when the risk becomes its own goal we should take a step backward . But to dive into the deep , to race headlong into the storm , for the sake of enjoying His creation , for the Joy of being alive I wonder ....

How easy is it to feel the Breath of God , while sheltered in safe house ? How can we taste the Lord , if we dine on TV dinners ?

The Psalmist said " Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him. "
Our refuge it would seem is in Him not fortresses and shelter so four own making ...

I would not consider myself a risk taker though I have taken risks ...for me the risk was never the object of the activity , the activity was always in pursuit of what i felt to be a more important goal . And I assure you I am not comparing myself to Paul , but Paul as a risk taker of the Highest degree ... He says about Himself " I have been constantly on the move. I have been in danger from rivers, in danger from bandits, in danger from my fellow Jews, in danger from Gentiles; in danger in the city, in danger in the country, in danger at sea; and in danger from false believers." 2nd Corinthians 11:26

And then I ask do we take risks for our faith ? Do we watch from the balconies as some venture into the inhospitable waters of the Mission field ? Do we secure our selves and beliefs in such a manner we are never in any danger of sharing them with people who may think poorly of us if we do ?

More questions ..few answers ...but a start for me ....

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


One of the interesting features of the Oregon Coast are the tide pools . Here animals have adpated to living part of their lives under the water and part out of the water .

Its hard to miss the cyclical nature of life here . The tide goes out it comes in , water from Coastal streams runs to the Ocean and water from the Ocean evaporates into the air where it is borne by clouds to the Mountains where the rain falls to the land some finding itself in the rivers that run to the sea. The sun comes up and the sun goes down .

Like tide pool animals we live our lives in both dark and light . We are at times immersed and living drenched , and at other times in a seemingly hostile environment.

As beautiful as this world is , it is not our home ...we are here for a brief time ..because of Gods grace , love and Sacrifice we have an Eternal home in Heaven .

While at the Ocean we lived in a very luxurious condo overlooking the ocean , we did not lack for anything , the owner of the home had provided for our needs and the needs of future renters. We had to spend money for this privilege, but it was money well spent for us . Here in Nashville we are guests of Loris parents , we share a home with them , we help pay for some expenses , but for the most part we are here because of their grace and love ... Like at the condo we rented we really lack for nothing here ..we are so blessed by Jim and Becky ..

In His time both Lori and I will exchange all this for a new home ..a home where we will be immersed in light and covered with the Holy Spirit ...Our lives will be drenched with His love and his provision ..His eternal provision for us .

Now like the starfish and the urchins we live in two worlds ..and like the starfish and Urchins we need the Waters ...I was reminded of that today as I returned to the Gate . The Gate is the Weekly Men's group I belong to at our church ...I realized that while part of me was clinging to the rocks and the cliffs of the Oregon Coast line , my spirit has been dry for too long ..it was good to praise His name , sing to His glory and here His words spoken into my life , to hear a brother share His testimony and to pray for those who are in need of prayer ...

ON planet Earth we live with our feet on the ground that will in time give way , but our souls eternal Security is with Him , who promises to complete that Good work He has begun in us .

Phillipians 1: 6 : being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

Monday, March 5, 2012

The temporal and the Eternal

You wake up in Oregon , and you go to sleep in Tennessee , along the way you make a brief stop in Chicago ..sometimes our technology amazes me ...As we flew out of Chicago the sun was going down , lights from the city were clearly evident . and as we broke free from the Urban footprint we I could see , the lines and clusters of smaller cities and towns shinning in the crisp winter air. As the plan gained altitude , I could look ot my right and see the tops of clouds each a white confusion and in the distance the beauty of a sunset from several thousand feet above the Earth . I was struck with this thought , the part of what I could easily attribute to God look Chaotic , an unorganised , tumble of clouds and light . Mans contribution by comparison looked neat and orderly , Neighbourhoods laid out in symmetrical integrety , long straight lines of highways and byways ...grids , consumed by other grids . Order , boundaries . One might at this glance begin to think we have as His creation Learned to improve on His Order ..That we have found a way to be more efficient than God , and perhaps even more attractive . Skyscrapers compete with mountains for attention . City lights compete with Sunsets for adoration .
I found myself thinking of a moment on the Oregon Coast . It was a wild and stormy day . Content to just sit and watch the waves , Lori noticed a Sun break to the South . looking like i might have an opportunity to get a little shooting in I grabbed my gear and headed to a place called Fishing rock. less than a mile from our rental. Fishing rock is a small headland that juts out into the Ocean . From this location I could look to the north and make out the features of the home we were staying in , to the South I could see Boiler bay and the outer Bouy of Depoe Bay . Immediately to my left was a small cove . Houses overlooked the ocean from this location they were on a land mass about 50 feet or more above the Sandy Beach . Loke the lights I could see from the plane they also were very neat and orderly , pleasant boundaries had been drawn and you could see the outline of well manicured lawns and gardens , decks and gazebos ..added to improve the ambience .
The waves from the storm where assaulting the cliff face ...Many were easily towering over the homes that perched on the cliff . I thought to myself what an awesome view they must have !
Later as I was working on the photos I noticed that these homes were vacant ...that in fact they were in immediate danger of falling from their vantage point into the beach and sea below .
All this to say , " The Earth is the Lords and everything in it " we are sojourners here , this world is not our home ...the " improvements " we make here will in time fade away or be destroyed in a flash ...He is our Foundation , our strength and not the works of our hands ....
Looking to the Left and seeing the lights of the city fading into the distant i might feel a little proud ..looking to the right and seeing the blaze of the sunset and the deep blues and golden hues of the diminishing light I felt pretty small ...and loved and cared for .

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Leaving Oregon

Yesterday we were treated to a beautiful Sunset , in Lee and Corrines Garden the firt blooms of the new spring are showing ..sleep came and its morning now .
This Laptop I am writing on is the last to be packed. outside the fog is
obscuring the view , but there is a light in the sky . In a few hours we will
leave St Paul . Lee and Corrine will drive us to the Portland Oregon Airport.
Lori and I will go through the security checkpoints . We already have our
Boarding passes and our place in line secured .

We will wait ...our number will be called and we will board the plane and
watch Oregon through the tiny windows provided on the plane .

Then later today we will arrive in Nashville where Becky and Jim will be
waiting to pick us up.

Pretty orderly . Lori and I have plenty of photos and plenty of memories ,
for weeks we will keep asking each other what was your favorite day , or what
was your favorite moment , what did you enjoy seeing the most ect .

I will continue witting in this diary . As I work over the photos I am
bringing back I know they will remind me of this or that ...and I will be
prompted to share " this or that ".

Like the fog outside , my mind is beginning to see possibilities of the
landscape of my mind ....I have a crop of photos , which represent not only this
specific trip to Oregon , but on a much greater scale they tell my story
..which in itself is a story written and directed by the Lord .

I came to the Lord in 1996 , but He has known about me , planned for me
and Loved me before that time when the Lava from Central Oregon raced west to
the Sea or turned North to what we call the Gorge .

These Snapshots remind me of how I am a part of His canvas , His weaving,
I have seen His sculptures and watched His daily ballets . I have Heard His
symphonies . His poetry I see on the moss covered trees in the darkened Forests
, I have seen the painted Sunsets ...

His love for me has been poured out in every moment . The earth is filled
with His glory . I have been so blessed to be able to share all this with ,
family , and friends , and most of all with His greatest gift to me , my wife ,
my lovely bride , who blesses me in so many ways.

Well , I hear people stirring ...this day is about to begin in Ernest

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Water under the Bridge

Lori and I , traveled to the Columbia River Gorge today . the day was a
overcast with a few sun Breaks . As we neared the Gorge there was ample evidence
of recent snow storms ..the snow highlighting the patcheworl quilt pattern of
tilled fields and clearcut's in the mountains . It was cold but just above
freezing .
We stopped at a favorite Chinese restaurant in Gresham Oregon . Another
memory it was here that over 16 years ago Lori first met Lee. Lori and I enjoyed
our meal , we reminisced , talked about our recent trip , and our future plans
once we returned to Tennessee.
We headed East into the wonder that is the Columbia River Gorge . Many many
years ago huge Lava Flows covered this Area ...then thousands of years ago a
series of Massive floods , emptying ancient Lake MIssoula far to the East carved
out this Gorge .It is the only place in the Cascade Mountain range where a river
cuts through the entire mountain Barrier .

The Gorge is several hundred feet deep . Along its Length hundreds of
waterfalls tumble over the edge of the basalt cliffs and dive into the valley
floor racing toward the Columbia River which is itself racing toward the pacific
Ocean .

The Columbia River is Massive ...the fresh water it delivers to the Ocean
then mingles and mixes with the Ocean ...the Ocean currents take the River
North then Further West till it becomes East. Water from the Columbia River
will in time cruise by Japan heading Southwest ...this current is the one that
Debri from from the tragic Japanese Earthquake and Tsumani is being bourne
along by. It is Anticipated that this huge floating Island of broken homes and
hearts will be making landfall along the California Coast in about a year ,
where it will slowly make its way North along the Pacific Coast .

Because of its Proximity to Portland , the Gorge and specifically
Multnomah Falls was one of the First " Natural Wonders " I remember visiting as
a child . MY parents took my brother and I to see them when we were quite young
. Before that I am sure my Father took His young bride to see them when she
moved to Oregon with Him . Its possible that before that My fathers , father
took my dad to see the falls . When Lori moved out to Oregon at the First of
our Marriage ..I took her to the Falls , and we shared this Area with Her
Parents when they came to visit us back before the end of the Millennium .

This day that Lori and I spent in the Gorge we visited Multnomah Falls . I
was surprised to see just how many people there were visiting the falls on such
a cold day. Many families , many young families , and there was a Family from
Japan visiting as well . I me a young photographer taking photos of the falls
...we spent a few minutes talking about our craft .

Lori and I drove a few more miles East before we turned the car around and
pointed it back to the Willamette Valley . As we headed East for the final few
miles of our sojourn up the Gorge we passed a Barge heading West , and as we
returned we passed the same Barge being faithfully pushed by a sturdy Tug .
everything is in motion ....wind , water , earth , river traffic and highway
traffic , heading East , heading West , North and South . Clouds filled with
rain pass over debris from an Earthquake over a year ago , the rain drops on
the mountains , the rush of freshet spills north drops over a basalt cliff ,
formed from Lava made when two huge plates of the earths surface collide one
heading East the other Heading West . Over this broken field of Lava the water
drops downward , pausing briefly in a upper pool before it is propelled forward
under a stone bridge crafted decades ago ...down another drop and then into the
Columbia River . Everything is in motion ...God the Choreographer...Its so much
more than water under the Bridge .

Friday, March 2, 2012

Saying Goodbye

Our last day . Storms bringing hail , snow and rain continue through the
night . Most of the work of packing had been done the day before , all that was
needed was to load up the car . Lori and I took some parting photos .

We left with all our gear and luggage , and some wonderful memories we will
treasure for the rest of our lives . We are still feeling so blessed . The
longer we stayed , played and explored the Coast the more we realized just how
special this experience , beach , this home was .

Arguably the Oregon Coast is the most beautiful place on the Planet . The
most beautiful part of the Oregon Coast is the Central Oregon Coast and Bella
Beach is in the Middle of the Central Oregon Coast , Our home which faced the
Ocean was in the middle of the Bella Beach Ocean Front Property rentals .
Essentially for a month we were at ground Zero of Heaven on earth.

The home we stayed in more than adequately met our needs . Usually when
you rent a property you are always needing to purchase some little bits of this
and that ...but this property was so completely arranged for our Convenience ,
from blenders to Grapefruit spoons it had everything we needed .

The staff was wonderful ! Once again we thank Steve , Brian Bev,
and David for their help , service and most of all for our new friendships
with them . It is with total confidence we can recommend this group for
anyone who is planning to travel and stay on the Oregon Coast .

I believe in the Beach Bucket Theory of life ...briefly this means that
there are two kinds of people in the world ...those that take from your Beach
Bucket and diminish your experiences , and those who add to the Beach buck and
magnify your experience . The Bella Beach Staff ...magnified our experience ,
not only did they help fill our Buckets , but they would of quickly and
efficiently brought us new buckets as ours filled up with blessings .

It may seem like i might be going a wee bit overboard here .. but I am
convinced most of us myself included often neglect telling people when they
have made our experiences better when they have given more to us than we have
given to them . I am frequently inclined to complain about poor service , or a
bad experience , but often I forget to thank people for good service . I am
trying to change that ...Life should be more than a tip , it should be a tip and
a thank you and a compliment .

The service and kindness of so many people we met at the Coast , made our

visit so much more enjoyable ...And we are so thankful for them .

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Praise Him in the Storm

We spent most of the day Tuesday rounding up all of our stuff , preparing
to leave on Wednesday. It was a good day to do that . Another Storm system was
breaking over the Northwest . This one was bringing snow , high winds , hail ,
and occasional lightning and thunder .
I did have some time to go out and take a few photos of the approaching storm from several locations I had enjoyed for the past few weeks . I Left cold and wet , but so thankful that for a few short days I was able to enjoy all of this; the sunny days and the cold and wet ones .

One of the really great things about living right on the Ocean is you have
an unobstructed view of these cloud masses and storms as they race toward the
shore . The variety and movement of the clouds fascinates me .

The night before Lori and I were talking about what attracts me so much to
this Oregon Landscape , and I was realizing its the Movement . The movement of
the waves , the breakers , the swift moving coastal streams , the clouds as they
are pushed through the sky , the wind in the trees ...

Makes me wonder why I enjoy photography....why not movie making . When I
think of it how frustrating it must be deep in my soul to love movement so much
, and try to capture it with still photos.

The whole creation is moving ...myself included . the processes that
brought us everything we enjoyed photographing , and the people we enjoyed
spending time with , has also brought us to the last full day before we leave .

At one point the world turned as we waited to arrive , and now the same
world moves us to our return trip home ...The movement that brings us life ,
that brings us those we love ...will in time bring us to our grave ,

Random thoughts as I think of our time well spent on the Oregon Coast
...outside the sky is just starting to show some color , the part of the planet
I am present in has turned into the sun . A new day is beginning ,

Like the clouds I am pushed along , walking in the steps He has prepared
for me ...and through His grace I can remember the past , and even take parts of
the past out and hold them in my hand or view them on this laptop screen

His mercies are new every Morning !