Today was " Men at the Gate " day ...every Tuesday some of the men from our Church meet at 6:30 in the morning for some songs , prayer , a word from our Pastor and testimony from each other ... This is a great idea ...because of this we have grown together , we have discarded our individual " lables " and have become more " transparent " to each other ..we share our failures in our Earthly visit , and our Success in our new relationship with Christ ..we share our trials and our Joys ..Its good stuff .
I spoke this morning on the upcoming trip and about labels ...most important for me I simply asked the questions do we bear good witness to Gospel by attacking and slandering the faiths of others ? To put it another way Sharing the truth of the Gospel should not mean building the Christian Faith up by tearing others down . instead .simply and faithfully preach the Gospel message ...
I am hoping the message was well received ..but I left with our Worship Pastor for a pre scheduled Breakfast and will get a report latter , much later as I will be gone for seven weeks... It was a morning with good fellowship and some other interesting insights to my own personal struggles and walk . I will readily admitt that when I first came seeking Christ I did so as an intellectual assignment ..it was only after accepting Christ and His offer of redemption on the Basis of the Faith He portioned to me that I really started to grow in the Lord ...but old habits die hard it seems ..lately I have been trying to " cultivate " a more meaningful relationship with Christ and the Holy Spirit by " reading about them from other writers . I had thought to ask Pastor Wayne about a reading list on the Holy Spirit , that is until this Sunday when Pastor Margaret mentioned in her testimony that she had gone through her bible when she wanted to know the Holy Spirit and read and underlined everything in her Bible on that subject ...Sounds like good advice ...
Pastor Wayne also reminded me about ..what the Bible teaches about prayer and supplication and worship ...to put all this into practical words ...I Can read what other people say about Jesus , or I can read what He says about Himself and what He has said directly to me ...I can read about Pastor Wayne or I can choose to go to Breakfast with Him ...
Good Breakfast :
Now I can seriously start thinking about packing : might even get the Duffle out
Pictured : Recommended reading ( from left to right )
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