Its been a good stay ...In the past few days I have been able to do much of
what I had planned on doing . We arrive safely , reconnected with my friend
Lee and his wife Corrine . I have ate my fill of Dungeness
Crab, successfully found one of the last child hood friends I have been
looking for . ( today Lee and I are going to take a road trip to visit with Him
). I have visited the old neighbohood , taken some photos for my blog projects,
I have been faithfully at writting daily ...We still have a month on the Coast
ahead of us and I have seen the Sun and a Sunset . Not bad for a start .
I am very much looking forward to the next few weeks , especially spending
time with Lori . We have dear friend we hope to see ,my brother and sister in
law will be visiting , My daughter will be spending some time with us , and even
a planned trip to visit some people we have not met but corresponded with
through a church connection in Smyrna .
Several people have asked why are you taking such a long trip ? The answer
for me is quite simple . I don't plan to be back here. Now I will admit plans
change . but there are several reasons that I belive this will be my last visit
to Oregon.
First is money . Its costs money to travel .a lot of money ,
Air fare there are all the other costs , housing , food , gas , car
ext. Its very expensive.
I would love nothing better than to be able to say we will be returning
each year. But since we are not even promised the day ..I am going to treat this
visit as if it were my last .
Then there is health and age ...I am almost 65 , its not as easy to get
around , my health is failing . Most of my issues are Asthma relatated , its
hard for me to breath, I tire easily . I know something is going on internally
but I don;t know what ...Lori and I have no Health Insurance ..I qualify for
Medicare later this year ...hopefully that will be a help.
If you read the memoirs of the soldiers in the Civil war , you begin to
notice a word , an idea , a way of life that is not very popular these days .
The word is Providence , the Idea is that God know when we are going to die and
nothing we can do will ever change that . The way of life is one of Submission
to Gods Will , not our own.
I trust God . As the Song implies He has brought me safe this far , and I
know He will care for me when this life is over. When we were in our mothers
womb , we were alive ...we were alive but most likey without an knowledge or
constraints of time . Essentially for the child we were living in eternity. Then
we came bursting forth into this world ..almost immediately the spell of
eternity was broken and we entered the world of expectation and entitlement .
From the beginning we have struggled between the tension of Self will and living
in Gods will. And just as we have no knowledge of the life in the Womb, we have
little knowledge of all of the life about to come ...I just know it will be
Just as I know I did not bring myself into this world , I also know I did
not save myself for eternal life . God has done both . I have no idea why He
brought me into existence , nor do I know why He has purposed to save me for
another life . I do know its not because of anything I have done . Admittedly to
say this about our Natural Birth makes perfect sense , we did not conceive
ourselves . Likewise , I do not believe we save ourselves ...His word says we
are not saved by our works ..it is a Sovereign choice .
How all of this happens ..I don't know ...He asks that we trust Him ..So
here I am this morning caught in my own tension between looking at the " hard "
issues , the practical issues , the frailty of my own earthly body , and yet
knowing that " where there seems to be no way He will make a way ".
Its a beautiful morning , the sun is just rising , the ground is covered
with a thick frost , it wont last long...the frost like a vapor will disappear
as the Sun rises heavenward.
This is the Day ! and I will rejoice and be glad in it
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