Yesterday began with a storm front moving into the valley , The Sunrise was
beautiful , towering clouds pushing in from the Pacific Ocean lit by the Sun as
it cleared the lofty spine of the Cascade Mountains to the East .
The Sun dissected clouds expos, differences in the density of the clouds ,
revealing a palette of striking colors , orange , red , magenta , and pink
filled the sky. And then in the west a rainbows Appeared.
I would have missed all this if Lori had not alerted me . We have fell into
a habit of using ht early morning hours to quietly write our blogs and journals
, from her vantage point at the kitchen table in the home we are being hosted in
, she could see all this beginning to take place.
When I saw the Rainbow I called to her and she came outside to join me in
watching and photographing the rainbow. Lori is a very good photographer , her
hand is much steadier than mine and she has an excellent eye for composition .
My only advantage over her is I shoot so much more , I understand the camera and
how it works a little better than she does . And as I said I shoot so much more
. Its Lori's attention to detail , her planning and taking care of the " Nuts
and Bolts " of scheduling and correspondence that gives me the time and
flexibility to do so much photography.
At one point in the morning a double rainbow appeared , then the rains set
in earnest ..It rained hard for the rest of the day.

Last night the news was about the rain and the dangerous level the rivers
in the valley are at . Authorities were warning people to stay out of the rivers
..there have been an unprecedented number of water rescues in the area
But it is winter, it is the Willamette Valley , and its supposed to have
some rain.
Sometimes it seems to me that most of us think there are only about 5
perfect weather days in the whole year ..too hot , too cold , to dry , to wet ,
to windy ....And yet this is the weather God has planed for us . In this case
without the clouds there would have been no rainbow.
The day before we tried to force good photos out of our plan to go to the
Columbia River Gorge ...the lightinhg conditions were less than favorable. And
then this morning the Lord delivered great lighting and subject directly to us
..sometimes you simply need to wait on the Lord .

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