For those of you who were interested ..my pants stayed up . We easily boarded the flight in Nashville and are now waiting for our connecting flight in Kansas City which will deposit us in Portland Oregon.
The flight to Kansas city was full , but the four trip to Portland is only about 2/3 full which probably means we have three seats for the two of us . That is a Yea !
While flying I mused some on recent conversations in the Chat room I keep visiting . Usually the conversations are dominated by two groups of people , those who claim they have faith and who get quite angry with those that do not , and those that do not have faith and get angry with those who do .
I have noticed that the " radicals ' on both sides of the discussion actually seem to have more in common than they have in differences ..only what they have in common is they just like to insult the other groups.
In this case I am compelled to wade in and try get a semblance of a dialouge going , but usually end up having both sides get upset with me ..which actually seems like a victory of sorts.
What inspired me to muse on this is my fear of flying and watching the Planes right wing bounce joyfully in the air.
God gives us faith , we can share the witness of that faith with others , but we can't give them the faith God has given us . God has to give them the faith.
You can't argue about faith .either for it or against it . Its Faith , not Fact .
I really do not like to fly ..but I understand it works . I Understand this because of the millions of people who have successfully flown , and the testimony of many who I personally know.
While it might be a great academic exercise for me to fully understand the dynamics of flight ..all I need to know is it works .
That is how I tend to be in this current season of my life when it comes to Faith , God , Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I realize I do not need to reinvent the wheel . I know there are millions of people who worship God , who belive they are saved ..and these millions of people represent just about every vocation , gender , language , age , and professional sports team fan base . If this is a mass hallucination it is a doozy.
These days when people ask me why I believe I simply tell them because of the testimony and witness of those who are walking with me and those who have gone ahead of me ...
Now I can answer most questions about the Bible , I am reasonably competent in that area , but if you want to argue with me about my Faith ..find a new Argument . Its like asking me why I like sushi , or arguing over why I prefer Sunsets to Drag racing.
Like wise nothing I can do can change a persons heart , unless it is God doing the work. If I share my faith with another person and get angry with them because they don't believe ..what good is that ?
If I base my success on sharing the Gospel on how many I get to kneel and recite the sinners prayer I be live I have changed my goal from faithfully sharing the gospel to keeping track of my results.
We are saved not by our efforts ..its not us doing the work ..Its all Him . if anything the understanding of how God has mercifully saved us should humble us ..we should ache for the unsaved not make them enemies.
Flying is for me a matter of Faith ...It may be someone's technological achievement. and that is great ! But for me the reason I can fly with little anxiety is because I know it works ....and I am a Christian because I know Faith works ..and that is more than enough for me .
: ) Yes Amen & Thank You
ReplyDelete"and I Believe what I believe is what makes me who I am
I did not make it, no it is making me
I said I did not make, it no it is making me
It is the very truth of God and not the invention of any man.
I believe it I believe it.."
Rich Mullins