Thursday , we are teaching tomorrow so I have used this day to actually for real , begin packing. Its interesting I have about 40 pounds of camera gear I am planning to take , and I have about 20 lbs of clothes . Even though we are going to be gone for quite along period of time ..I have decided to pack really light ... Both places we are staying have washers and dryers and I know how to use them .
The layered casual look is the Oregon State Fashion statement . I am layering in comfortable T shirts , sweater and fleece's .
The past several trips I have taken I have noticed that I usually only get a few feet into the Duffle anyway.
Trying to figure out how to get four cameras and Six Lenses into one camera bag was a little bit tricky ..so tricky it ended up not happening ..I do have them packed but they are all over the place in my luggage.
For the most part we have very few plans for the trip ...you learn to make your plans based ont he weather . Rainy days are for trips to Museums , Movie theatres , stocking up on Groceries , lunches in quaint seaside restaurants or simply curling up with a good book and watching the waves roll in .
Sun breaks are for grabbing the gear and finding the perfect low tied or hide location . One item that is essential for your travels on the Oregon Coast is a Tide Table . You can get them easily on the net or most stors , restaurants ,and motels carry them . For my interests I plan my day around the tides and the sunset ...Especially the sunsets.
For anyone who enjoys a good sunset and loves to photograph them I have one bit of advice , scout your location ...look for great foregrounds , and be aware of where the Sun is actually going to land . Look for reflections in the tidal pools , and enjoy ! by all means enjoy . Sunsets on the Beach are breathtaking ..kind of puts you in place and yet you feel embraced by Gods love as well .
We did some banking today , took care of a few last minute errands . Lori and i even had a chance to watch a couple of recorded episodes of Burn Notice. Overall a pretty calm day ...
The weather report for the Willamette Valley includes lots of precipitation..even the possibility of some flooding . This is Oregon as I know and love it !
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