You wake up in Oregon , and you go to sleep in Tennessee , along the way you make a brief stop in Chicago ..sometimes our technology amazes me ...As we flew out of Chicago the sun was going down , lights from the city were clearly evident . and as we broke free from the Urban footprint we I could see , the lines and clusters of smaller cities and towns shinning in the crisp winter air. As the plan gained altitude , I could look ot my right and see the tops of clouds each a white confusion and in the distance the beauty of a sunset from several thousand feet above the Earth . I was struck with this thought , the part of what I could easily attribute to God look Chaotic , an unorganised , tumble of clouds and light . Mans contribution by comparison looked neat and orderly , Neighbourhoods laid out in symmetrical integrety , long straight lines of highways and byways ...grids , consumed by other grids . Order , boundaries . One might at this glance begin to think we have as His creation Learned to improve on His Order ..That we have found a way to be more efficient than God , and perhaps even more attractive . Skyscrapers compete with mountains for attention . City lights compete with Sunsets for adoration .
I found myself thinking of a moment on the Oregon Coast . It was a wild and stormy day . Content to just sit and watch the waves , Lori noticed a Sun break to the South . looking like i might have an opportunity to get a little shooting in I grabbed my gear and headed to a place called Fishing rock. less than a mile from our rental. Fishing rock is a small headland that juts out into the Ocean . From this location I could look to the north and make out the features of the home we were staying in , to the South I could see Boiler bay and the outer Bouy of Depoe Bay . Immediately to my left was a small cove . Houses overlooked the ocean from this location they were on a land mass about 50 feet or more above the Sandy Beach . Loke the lights I could see from the plane they also were very neat and orderly , pleasant boundaries had been drawn and you could see the outline of well manicured lawns and gardens , decks and gazebos ..added to improve the ambience .
The waves from the storm where assaulting the cliff face ...Many were easily towering over the homes that perched on the cliff . I thought to myself what an awesome view they must have !
Later as I was working on the photos I noticed that these homes were vacant ...that in fact they were in immediate danger of falling from their vantage point into the beach and sea below .
All this to say , " The Earth is the Lords and everything in it " we are sojourners here , this world is not our home ...the " improvements " we make here will in time fade away or be destroyed in a flash ...He is our Foundation , our strength and not the works of our hands ....
Looking to the Left and seeing the lights of the city fading into the distant i might feel a little proud ..looking to the right and seeing the blaze of the sunset and the deep blues and golden hues of the diminishing light I felt pretty small ...and loved and cared for .
I found myself thinking of a moment on the Oregon Coast . It was a wild and stormy day . Content to just sit and watch the waves , Lori noticed a Sun break to the South . looking like i might have an opportunity to get a little shooting in I grabbed my gear and headed to a place called Fishing rock. less than a mile from our rental. Fishing rock is a small headland that juts out into the Ocean . From this location I could look to the north and make out the features of the home we were staying in , to the South I could see Boiler bay and the outer Bouy of Depoe Bay . Immediately to my left was a small cove . Houses overlooked the ocean from this location they were on a land mass about 50 feet or more above the Sandy Beach . Loke the lights I could see from the plane they also were very neat and orderly , pleasant boundaries had been drawn and you could see the outline of well manicured lawns and gardens , decks and gazebos ..added to improve the ambience .
The waves from the storm where assaulting the cliff face ...Many were easily towering over the homes that perched on the cliff . I thought to myself what an awesome view they must have !
Later as I was working on the photos I noticed that these homes were vacant ...that in fact they were in immediate danger of falling from their vantage point into the beach and sea below .
All this to say , " The Earth is the Lords and everything in it " we are sojourners here , this world is not our home ...the " improvements " we make here will in time fade away or be destroyed in a flash ...He is our Foundation , our strength and not the works of our hands ....
Looking to the Left and seeing the lights of the city fading into the distant i might feel a little proud ..looking to the right and seeing the blaze of the sunset and the deep blues and golden hues of the diminishing light I felt pretty small ...and loved and cared for .
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