Been working on the photos from the Oregon Trip since we have returned . Today I spent most of the day glued to my chair . I am still culling photos from the digital stack. I begin i Ernest trying to delete the obvious deletes and get waylaid ...not to long ago I actually went through several days before i got waylaid . I am reluctant to delete the photos . I Know partially because each came with a moment , and that moment is one i want to hang unto . But clearly not all of these 30,000 plus or minus a few images are good images ..but then what is a good image ? How do I define good . If I am defining good as t how I feel about it , then I'M keeping almost all of them , if I define Good as to what the stock agencies think are good .. Five percent would be a stretch. Good for the verse of the day devotional we do , a years worth at least probably more ..it all seems so random to me .
I am it seems a photographer with out a clear focus , a writer without a clause . For years now I have been challenged to finish a book about my new life in Christ ...but I think it lacks direction , focus . I move forward only to be paralyzed by a lack of direction ...my direction is due South of random . Perhaps that is where it is supposed to be . I have been inspired by the storms of the month past . Wild crazy storms , that lashed the Oregon Coast with hurried winds that seemed to come in all directions at once . with waves that moved in opposition to each other ..I watched Giant swells smash against yielding cliffs and saw the wave rebound then slam into an oncoming wave. All random it seemed . Problem is I don't believe much in random ...the purpose here is beyond my understanding ..that doesn't make it random . It makes it beyond my understanding ...This evening we were guests at a blessing party for a friend at Church ...was a wonderful event dozens of friends wee present , each someone whose life had been touched by the person of honor . No order , no linear , or chronological order to these friendships or blessings ...Random but with purpose ....His life one of encouragement to others ..a few taking the time to thank him in person ...and yet hundreds , maybe more whose lives have been touched and blessed by his walk upon the planet . Blessings ricocheting randomly ...serving a purpose we cannot understand . Boundaries in pleasant places . Delightful inheritance ...Good night ...very good
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