Lori and I , traveled to the Columbia River Gorge today . the day was a
overcast with a few sun Breaks . As we neared the Gorge there was ample evidence
of recent snow storms ..the snow highlighting the patcheworl quilt pattern of
tilled fields and clearcut's in the mountains . It was cold but just above
freezing .
We stopped at a favorite Chinese restaurant in Gresham Oregon . Another
memory it was here that over 16 years ago Lori first met Lee. Lori and I enjoyed
our meal , we reminisced , talked about our recent trip , and our future plans
once we returned to Tennessee.
We headed East into the wonder that is the Columbia River Gorge . Many many
years ago huge Lava Flows covered this Area ...then thousands of years ago a
series of Massive floods , emptying ancient Lake MIssoula far to the East carved
out this Gorge .It is the only place in the Cascade Mountain range where a river
cuts through the entire mountain Barrier .
The Gorge is several hundred feet deep . Along its Length hundreds of
waterfalls tumble over the edge of the basalt cliffs and dive into the valley
floor racing toward the Columbia River which is itself racing toward the pacific
Ocean .
The Columbia River is Massive ...the fresh water it delivers to the Ocean
then mingles and mixes with the Ocean ...the Ocean currents take the River
North then Further West till it becomes East. Water from the Columbia River
will in time cruise by Japan heading Southwest ...this current is the one that
Debri from from the tragic Japanese Earthquake and Tsumani is being bourne
along by. It is Anticipated that this huge floating Island of broken homes and
hearts will be making landfall along the California Coast in about a year ,
where it will slowly make its way North along the Pacific Coast .
Because of its Proximity to Portland , the Gorge and specifically
Multnomah Falls was one of the First " Natural Wonders " I remember visiting as
a child . MY parents took my brother and I to see them when we were quite young
. Before that I am sure my Father took His young bride to see them when she
moved to Oregon with Him . Its possible that before that My fathers , father
took my dad to see the falls . When Lori moved out to Oregon at the First of
our Marriage ..I took her to the Falls , and we shared this Area with Her
Parents when they came to visit us back before the end of the Millennium .
This day that Lori and I spent in the Gorge we visited Multnomah Falls . I
was surprised to see just how many people there were visiting the falls on such
a cold day. Many families , many young families , and there was a Family from
Japan visiting as well . I me a young photographer taking photos of the falls
...we spent a few minutes talking about our craft .
Lori and I drove a few more miles East before we turned the car around and
pointed it back to the Willamette Valley . As we headed East for the final few
miles of our sojourn up the Gorge we passed a Barge heading West , and as we
returned we passed the same Barge being faithfully pushed by a sturdy Tug .
everything is in motion ....wind , water , earth , river traffic and highway
traffic , heading East , heading West , North and South . Clouds filled with
rain pass over debris from an Earthquake over a year ago , the rain drops on
the mountains , the rush of freshet spills north drops over a basalt cliff ,
formed from Lava made when two huge plates of the earths surface collide one
heading East the other Heading West . Over this broken field of Lava the water
drops downward , pausing briefly in a upper pool before it is propelled forward
under a stone bridge crafted decades ago ...down another drop and then into the
Columbia River . Everything is in motion ...God the Choreographer...Its so much
more than water under the Bridge .

thanks for the telling of the Gorge. I was born and raised in Oregon. I love Oregon, it is my home! My roots run deep in Oregon. Multnomah Falls are my favorite. I have been out of state now for 7 years, and I can not wait to get back home. My heart so longs for Oregon. Again, Ken and Lori, thank you for sharing. I'm just sorry you will not be there when I return this Spring.
ReplyDeleteLove to you both Nila Rae