Wednesday, May 22, 2013

In His Hands

Psalm 139:10
even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.
For a six year old boy the hike up to the Saddle Mountain overlook was pretty exciting . There was one place where the trail had been cut out of the solid rock .  There was a steep drop off on one side and the firm surface of the rock on the other the trail narrowed to about 2 feet in width ...the cut took an 90 degree turn around the rock face , and it was there that the hike would go from exciting to scary. 
I remember the first time I took this route ...there was no guarantee of safety beyond the point where the trail turned sharply .. My Father was ahead of us ( Bob and I ) and my Mother was behind us ..between them we felt safe , but as my Father went around the corner and I lost sight of him I hugged the mossy rock wall as close as I could . And in my moment of dread I saw it .  His strong hand and arm reached out for me ...I Grabbed his hand ..there was security there was hope there , there was faith and trust ...His hand made the trail wider ....
We made that hike several times over the years ..MY father loved the view point that was at the end of it ..from its hights we could see the lofty summits of Saddle mountains twin peaks . in the distance the logging roads and meadows where He hunted .
And everytime we went up the mountain as a family ...I looked forward to that narrow place , the place where I knew my fathers had would reach out to hold me safe .
I am much older now ...this week I revisited the mountain .  The hikng trail is still the same ...the large stump that used to stand guard to the entrence of the trail is still there 
. the trees have grown taller . Its harder to see the mountain from the parking lot . 
I did not remember the trail as being as steep as it was...and at a point even doubted my childhood memory , but in time there it was the trail going to the view point , and several hundred feet later I came to the narrow cut . It was as narrow as I remembered  it the drop off was as steep as I remembered . and the Rock wall as forboding .  I stoped at the sharp turn ...Dads had was not to be seen ...I was alone . MY Brother is currently in Japan , my Mother and Father have both passed . 
The 6 year old boy was out of breath , aging lungs   screaming for air .  This might have been a good place to turn around ...but the memory of the prize , that wonderful view from the lookout point , and knowing I had another Father who was there with me pushed me on . 
Our Heavnly  Father reaches out to us matter where we are ....An ever present help .  His strong hands His arms are there to carry me when I am too weak .  His courage supports me when  mine fails ...
There is no doubt . I Miss my mother I Miss my father ....But this time ...they were there with me on the SDaddle mountain trail and it was Gods Hand I clung too remembrance of them and  our small family ...alone on a wilderness trail .  Held forever in His Gras

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