Unity , its a process
For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and
to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control,
perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, mutual
affection; and to mutual affection, love. For if you possess these qualities in
increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive
in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. 2
Peter 1:5-8 NIV
There is one subject I try to avoid at our Family reunions. Politics.
Politically I am very much on the left hand side of the Aisle . Everyone else in
the Family leans to the right. One left winger and about 14
right wingers . The potential for acrimonious discussion is a real possibility.
I wonder how much of a hurdle that would have been a few decades ago ?
Probably not much some pokes and prods
, A few jokes ...but in today's climate ...it is a challenge. I don't care
for the divisive and mean spirited vibe of today's political landscape. The only
place I venture into the fray is in the chat rooms . there I can "mute " those
who are incapable of having a civil conversation. But in the real land of nitty
gritty especially at a Family reunion it seems inappropriate to be divisive
..and difficult to mute your relatives as well. Fortunately as a family we do
have one thing in common .We are all Believers . And it is this commonality and good role models that
offer the best solution to diverse political beliefs .
The best model for behavior in this case for me is the Church that Lori and I go to.. one of the most compelling attributes of our church is its
membership is really seeking God ...Lori and I have never been in a church that
" walked the walk " the way this church does . One of the best examples of this
for me is the " Gate " . The Gate is a Gathering of men from our church .we meet
at 6:30 am on Tuesdays . The men who come to the Gate want to be there , and
they come because they want to draw closer to Christ.
Part of the success of the Gate is its structure . We begin by a few
minutes of early morning conversation ( fellowship ) then a few minutes of
welcoming God into our hearts and lives . Then Pastor Ronnie brings us a brief
devotion , We embrace each other and then usually one of our group will give a
personal testimony. In steps we learn more about each other . over the years we
have become more transparent with each other ..and it is out of this process we
learn what a diverse group we are , and the one thing we all share is a desire
to move closer to the Lord .
Our focus shifts away from our differences to Him the one who draws us and
the closer we are drawn to Him in the Geometry of faith the closer we come
together . You see no matter how far apart we are , or how diverse we are if we
are each seeking the Lord and moving toward Him , it is inevitable that we draw
closer to each other .
I have been really blessed to be included in a extended family of strong
faith and convictions ...So while my Father in Law and I may disagree on the
National Leadership , we both agree that God is on His Throne and He is in
charge . My Brother In Law may differ on economics but we can agree on Gods
Economy .
When held up to the foundation of His love and Grace , political discussion
seems to be very insignificant . I am learning we are not Democrat or
Republican , Capitalist or Socialist , we are not Liberal or Conservative. We
are people ..not labels . There is no Earthly institution that will ever improve
on God. Only the Kingdom , His Kingdom will rule Justly.
Ultimately I am learning that I am not a bumper sticker , nor do lapel
buttons or lawn signs define me . They do not define anyone ...they may provide
a mask , or a facade to hide behind , but our own reality is the life that was
purposed in us by a Just and Loving God.
Scripture teaches me , it is indeed useful to begin to grasp Gods
Sovereignty. And understand His commands to us ..move us closer to Unity in
Christ .
Will not the Judge of all the earth do right?”
He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and
to walk humbly with your God.
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