As a Christian ..How does this type of activity witness for the Kingdom ?
Unless Jesus comes soon ..we can plan to have this kind of dissent ion at least
every four years ..and I can almost guarantee that in for more years we as a
society will still be whining , and blaming our elected officials for our
How about this ? Lets Knock it off ! Stop attacking Muslims , stop
spreading rumors and falsehoods , check your facts ...belive it or not a Blog
post is not NEWS nor is it usually factual ..its a personal opinion ..great!
good to have them ..but its not factual . Stop insulting the President ...you
want your children to respect your authority ? then respect the Leaders of this
nation . If you want a new Leader ..vote for him , better yet work for his
election ..learn something , share positive information ..I may be whacked , but
I am inclined to vote for what a person plans to do and what He stands for , not
for the person who can throw the most mud .
As the Mainstream of culture we may not be as evil as those who perpetuate
these acts of horror and terrorism ..but we do enable them ...
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